© 2023 AB InBev India Pvt Ltd.

Enjoy Responsibly.

About our Brewpubs

Our brewpubs are a living embodiment of our brand. These are our temple of innovation, where the pink salt of the Himalayas to the cloves of Kerala come together in our beers to pay homage to the wonderful land of Seven Rivers!


It had to be Goa. A perfect balance of both worlds – The calm and the bedlam. Goa is home to two thing we hold very dear – Amazing local ingredients and a fascinating beer culture. We’re here to join in the fun, and to play a part in further developing the craft beer culture.


the mecca of craft beers in India, having our first brewpub in Bangalore was a no brainer. In the span of 1 year, we’ve been able to brew 17 different beer styles and have been fortunate to be nominated amongst the best microbreweries of the country.



About our



Our brewpubs are a living embodiment of our brand. These are our temple of innovation, where the pink salt of the Himalayas to the cloves of Kerala come together in our beers to pay homage to the wonderful land of 7R!


It had to be Goa. A perfect balance of both worlds – The calm and the bedlam. Goa is home to two thing we hold very dear – Amazing local ingredients and a fascinating beer culture. We’re here to join in the fun, and to play a part in further developing the craft beer culture.

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the mecca of craft beers in India, having our first brewpub in Bangalore was a no brainer. In the span of 1 year, we’ve been able to brew 17 different beer styles and have been fortunate to be nominated amongst the best microbreweries of the country.

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